1. Islamization of Attitudes and Practices in Science and Technology: Proceedings of the Works on the Islamization of Attittudes and Practices in Science and Technology Herdon, Virginia: February 27- March lst 1987 AC= Jumada al Akhirah 28th - Rajabist 1407 AH
Author: / Edited by M.A.K. Lodhi
Library: Library of Islamic Encyclopedia Foundation (Tehran)
Subject: Islam and Science - Congresses,Technology - Religious aspects - Islam - Congresses
Classification :

2. Islamization of attitudes and practices in science & technology : proceedings of Workshop on Islamization of Attittudes (sic) and Practices in Science and Technology, Herndon, Virginia : February 27-March 1st 1987 AC = Jumغada al غAkhirah 28th-Rajab 1st 1407 AH
Author: edited by M.A.K. Lodhi; [sponsored by]& the Association of Muslim Scientists and Engineers, the International Institute of Islamic Thought
Library: State Department Library (Tehran)
Subject: Islam and science - Congresses,Technology - Religious aspects - Islam - Congresses